Categories: Development
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About Course

The goal of the course is to create a broad awareness of the managerial challenges that contemporary organizations face, the typical design of management control systems in various organizations, and the evolution of management control practices.

The course covers topics such as the evolution of reforms from public administration to new public management and beyond, the rationale behind the introduction of different reforms strategies, and tools for change, as well as the evolving functions of accounting and the control system in organizations. Additional topics include management control in inter-organizational relationships, and between organizations in the public and private sectors. Empirically, the course will focus particularly on managerial challenges and management policies and practices in various parts of the modern organizations

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What Will You Learn?

  • Analyse objectively the impact of organizational politics on corporate culture.
  • Explain the impact of corporate culture upon organizational communication.
  • Identify the applicable steps to change corporate culture.
  • Describe the elements of modern organizational structures, cultures and development.
  • Describe how the actions of founders and leaders affect organizational structures, cultures and development.
  • Discuss the strategies for changing and strengthening organizational culture through attracting, selecting, and socializing employees
  • Discuss the conditions and strategies under which changing and strengthening organizational culture improves organizational performance.
  • Perform a cultural health assessment of an organization.
  • Describe how organizations nowadays are defined by rapid technological advancements, heightened competitive conditions, changing values and how organisations can remain relevant if they focus on this

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