We advocate for socially responsible and sustainable strategies for Africa’s development.
We advocate for socially responsible and sustainable strategies for Africa’s development.
HCRDP is a program handled by team of evangelists and associate members who are willing to cooperate with all Believers and Christian groups in seeking to evangelize the villages of Africa and other parts of the world. In our witness and work, we rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. (John 16:13-14, Acts 1:8). We also work with God-guided policies of governments (I Peter 2:13-14). Our membership is drawn from experienced men and women of God who oversee the work of the team through the Director of Evangelism who in turn oversees the work of the various Committees in the group
To reach the villages and towns of the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ (Acts 1:8).
That all may be saved and come to the true knowledge of the Word of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. (1 Tim 2: 4).
The following is our statement of faith:
HCRDP depends upon God for the supply of its needs. We generate our funds from our investments and contributions and the donations from Christians in Nigeria and around the world. These funds cover the upkeep of our equipment, printing, publicity, rent, rate, and the support for God’s work and charity in rural communities. Earmarked donations are used for the purposes requested by their donors. Support God’s work today for your covenant blessings! (Psalms 41:1-3, Daniel 12:1-3, Matt. 25:31-46).
How it works: You can write an evangelical tract or pamphlet and send it to us through our mail, we would make efforts to translate it into a local language of your choice based on the communities where we work and in return send it back to you to print and send us for distribution. Or you can also help us in making translations into any of the under listed languages of your best fluency. The languages eligible for translation include the followings: Ichen, Tigun. Jenjo, Ndoro, Kpanzun, Chamba, Fulani, Jukun, Hausa, Wurkun, Bachama, Kuteb, Tiv, Kona, Kaka, Kambu, Panso, Jibu, Zo, Bandawa, Mumuye, Higi, Mambilla, Bata, Lo, Munga, Angas, Birom, Yandam, Nupe, Fali, Bile, jimlari, Mbulla, Mada, Itilo_ the list may continue. NB These groups of languages are spoken in the north-central and north-eastern states of Nigeria and parts of the Cameroon Republic. Each group has over 20,000 legible readers. Sponsors would be accredited on each track.